Communication and Collaboration: Working Remotely – Part 2

Communication and collaboration are even more important when working remotely

Communication and Collaboration Overview

Both are top priorities for the office, and even more important when working remotely.


Working Remotely: Tips for a Productive Work Day at Home Part 2

Communication, a top priority for the office, becomes even more important when working remotely.  Without in-person, face-to-face interaction, team synergy can diminish.  It is of utmost importance that communication remain a top priority to avoid misunderstandings. 

When in doubt, over-communicate. 

Maintain consistent communication with your manager. 

Because you are not interacting in person, it may be easy for your manager to misinterpret your silence for lack of productivity. 

Keep your manager updated on completed tasks. Assume he or she wants to know the status of ongoing operation. 

As a contributing team member, you should plan to communicate at least two to three times per day with your manager.

Aim to check in once at the start of the day itemizing what you intend to complete, again midday with a status report, and at the end of the day with what you have accomplished. Enhanced communication is always better than the alternative.

Maintain regular communication with your team members, as well.  Establish a set time during the week for team meetings. 

In addition, arrange a procedure for daily check- ins to insure the team is on the same page and members are accomplishing designated tasks. 

Ask the team for a preferred method of communication – via email, phone call, or instant messaging.

This much communication may seem excessive, initially, but will prove helpful in maintaining cohesive team collaboration.

Create and Implement a Reporting System

In order to streamline the communication process, a reporting system for quick, easy record keeping and sharing of tasks is crucial. 

Develop a personal reporting matrix detailing the project tasks and time anticipated for completion.  The matrix must be routinely updated so others can monitor real-time status of the project.

Solicit input from your team on a preferred reporting structure regarding daily activities and accomplishments. A reporting system does not work if it is not easily utilized by all team members. 

As a team, create a reporting method that makes it easy to communicate with the team and stay up to date with what the team is accomplishing.

Communication and collaboration will help keep your team working well together and protect much needed team synergy.

Join us for part 3 of this series where we will walk through how to use breaks to aid your productivity as well as helpful ways to avoid distractions.

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